Sunday, October 18, 2009

Application Alerts!

We had a need to check application processes once and a while to be sure that they are running.  So I created this table and stored procedure for an alerts jobs or exception reporting.  At the time we did not have Data Driven Subscriptions in SSRS, which can do the same thing as this process, and I haven’t had the time to convert it.
It’s a simple structure; the table holds the information about what to check, the stored procedure to run using sp_ExecuteSQL, when to run it, how often to check it, who to send emails to using our friendly SQL mailer sp_send_dbmail. The store procedure reads from the table, figures out which alerts need to run. The store procedure that gets called needs to have two Output parameters @AlertStatus (INT) that will be 1 or 0 and @Info Varchar(500) which is additional information that will be put into the email. See BOL on how to use sp_send_dbmail and sp_ExecuteSQL.
Create a job and a schedule that runs the stored procedure, Alert_Monitor, at the least interval needed
Create table Alerts(
      AlertID int identity(1,1),          -- Unique alert ID
      StoredProcedure nvarchar(200),      -- Stored proc to run - must have @AlertStatus tinyint OUTPUT
      EmailRecipients nvarchar(200),      -- Who gets emails - comma separated list
      EmailSubject nvarchar(100),         -- Subject -- servername will be prefaced so we know live from test
      EmailBody nVarchar(300),            -- Email Body
      AlertStart24Hour int,               -- 24 hour/minutes clock when to start
      AlertStop24Hour int,                -- 24 hour/minutes clock when to stop
            AlertMonday [bit],
            AlertTuesday [bit],
            AlertWednesday [bit],
            AlertThursday [bit],
            AlertFriday [bit],
            AlertSaturday [bit],
            AlertSunday [bit],
      MinutesBetweenChecks int,           -- How many minutes to wait before checking again
      WhoOwnsThisAlert varchar(100),      -- just to keep track of ownership
      LastCheckTime DATETIME DEFAULT (GETDATE()), -- last check time
      IncludeOnDeveloperOnCall [bit]

The last field IncludeDeveloperOnCall  was added so whenever it’s run it will look at a table that tells which developer is on call and to get it and add the email/page to the recipients of the email.
CREATE PROC [dbo].[Alert_Monitor]
AS /*
 created 10/23/2007
      This looks at the alerts defined in the Alerts Table in DBA_OPS

This will run every 5 to 20 minutes as a job.


    SET nocount ON

-- define temp table and load with alerts to check

          AlertID INT,
          processed INT DEFAULT ( 0 )

    INSERT  INTO @Alerts ( AlertID )
            SELECT  AlertID
            FROM    Alerts WITH ( NOLOCK )
            -- Are we between the start and stop time?
            WHERE   DATEPART(HOUR, GETDATE()) * 100 + ( DATEPART(mi, GETDATE()) ) BETWEEN AlertStart24Hour
                                                                                  AND     AlertStop24Hour
                              -- is it time to run it again?
                    AND DATEADD(mi, MinutesBetweenChecks, LastCheckTime) <= GETDATE()
                    -- are we running it today?
                    AND CASE DATEPART(dw, GETDATE())
                          WHEN 1 THEN AlertSunday
                          WHEN 2 THEN AlertMonday
                          WHEN 3 THEN AlertTuesday
                          WHEN 4 THEN AlertWednesday
                          WHEN 5 THEN AlertThursday
                          WHEN 6 THEN AlertFriday
                          WHEN 7 THEN AlertSaturday
                        END = 1

    DECLARE @storedProcedure NVARCHAR(130),
        @Recipients NVARCHAR(200),
        @Subject NVARCHAR(200),
        @Message NVARCHAR(500),
        @ReturnCode INT,
        @ReturnInfo VARCHAR(500),
        @ParameterDefinition NVARCHAR(50),
        @AlertID INT,
        @email VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @RecTable TABLE ( email VARCHAR(50) )

    SET @ParameterDefinition = N'@AlertStatus INT OUTPUT,@Info VARCHAR(500) OUTPUT'

    SET @Recipients = ''

--  add any other email/pagers from other source table – Developer on call Table
    INSERT  @RecTable
            SELECT  SomeEmail
            FROM    Emailtable
            WHERE   GETDATE() BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate

-- create list of recipients
                   FROM     @RecTable )
            SET @email = ( SELECT   MIN(email)
                           FROM     @RecTable
            SET @Recipients = CASE WHEN LEN(@Recipients) = 0 THEN ''
                                   ELSE @Recipients + ';'
                              END + @email
            DELETE  FROM @RecTable
            WHERE   email = @email
-- loop through alerts and check

                   FROM     @Alerts )
            SET @ReturnInfo = ''
            SET @ReturnCode = 0
            SET @AlertID = ( SELECT MIN(AlertID)
                             FROM   @Alerts
            SET @storedProcedure = ( SELECT StoredProcedure
                                     FROM   Alerts WITH ( NOLOCK )
                                     WHERE  AlertID = @AlertID
            SET @storedProcedure = N'EXEC ' + @storedProcedure
                + N' @AlertStatus OUTPUT,@Info OUTPUT'

      -- call stored proc
            EXEC master.dbo.sp_executesql @storedProcedure,
                @ParameterDefinition, @AlertStatus = @ReturnCode OUTPUT,
                @Info = @ReturnInfo OUTPUT
      -- if returned nonzero then send alert
            IF @ReturnCode <> 0

                    SET @Recipients = ( SELECT  EmailRecipients
                                                + CASE WHEN IncludeOnDeveloperOnCall = 1
                                                       THEN ';' + @Recipients
                                                       ELSE ''
                                        FROM    Alerts WITH ( NOLOCK )
                                        WHERE   AlertID = @AlertID
                    SET @Subject = ( SELECT EmailSubject
                                     FROM   Alerts WITH ( NOLOCK )
                                     WHERE  AlertID = @AlertID
                                   ) + N' ' + @@SERVERNAME
                    SET @Message = ( SELECT EmailBody
                                     FROM   Alerts WITH ( NOLOCK )
                                     WHERE  AlertID = @AlertID
                    SET @Message = @Message
                        + CASE WHEN LEN(@ReturnInfo) > 0 THEN '
Additional info - ' + @ReturnInfo
                               ELSE ''

                    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'mailprofile',
                        @recipients = @Recipients, @body = @Message,
                        @subject = @Subject, @body_format = 'HTML'

      -- update last check time and go onto the next alert to check
            UPDATE  Alerts
            SET     LastCheckTime = GETDATE()
            WHERE   AlertID = @AlertID
            DELETE  FROM @Alerts
            WHERE   AlertID = @AlertID

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